lunes, 21 de julio de 2008

Performance of the bio-organisms.

The XIV Working Days of Study of the Image in the Exhibition Room of the Channel of Isabel II of Madrid
An thrown of dies: On the chance in the contemporary art
Edition 2008 Department of Culture and Tourism Community of Madrid

The XIV Working Days of Study of the Image developed between the 29 and March 31, 2007, in the Exhibition Room of the Channel of Isabel II of Madrid.
During the Days were presented presentations and specific projects, curated by Beatriz Herráez y Sergio Rubira, in the framework of the chance in the contemporary art, understood this more as a reflection and a fortuitous thing flight simulator concept that like a capable experimental practice to reach the artistic form.

The chance is present in the nature and in the scientific knowledge, but in the art is an intuitive demonstration that few artists explore before the impossibility to control the magma of the chaos.

Since the Art and the Aesthetics of the Complexity developed by Myriam Solar, who participated in the Forum and in the Exhibition Show, a sample of art could be seen of 4D that under the title of Performance of the Bio-Organisms showed you form artistic of chance and chaos through the photography and the video.

The works exposed have their origin in the chance and the chaos in interaction with other systems of mechanical, biological, chemical, and physical type. In them, the water, the light, the organic matter and the machines constitute an environment with the one that the art can reach the representation of a physical reality without this have physical entity. To create forms of the invisible matter or of "something that exists there but that we do not see here", the photography and the video have to evolve as all the complex systems, continuing a random sequence that does not have rules, but if a language.
This language is that of the processes that are born far from the equilibrium and they present fractalidad, authopoiesis, growths and transformations, what permits to jump to a level of another order, in which worlds coexist superimposed or that would be in quantum state.
In the works of this sample there are experimental situations that can be opened toward the calls quantum states, in which the existing elements in some dimension of the space are mixed randomly to express processes linked to the time, the light, the not equilibrium, the automatisms and the bio-learnings. Be which fuere their nature, the images are unpublished and through we can know them other possible worlds with their virtual creatures, structures, artificial bio-organisms or states of the idea of the 4D in the art.

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Performance de los Bio-Organismos

XIV Jornadas de Estudio de la Imagen-Exposición Canal Abierto

Una tirada de dados: Sobre el azar en el arte contemporáneo
Edición 2008 Consejería de Cultura y Turismo Comunidad de Madrid

Las XIV Jornadas de Estudio de la Imagen se desarrollaron entre el 29 y 31 de marzo de 2007, en la Sala del Canal de Isabel II de Madrid.
Durante las Jornadas se presentaron ponencias y proyectos específicos, comisariados por Beatriz Herráez y Sergio Rubira, en el marco del azar en el arte contemporáneo, entendido éste más como una reflexión y un concepto simulador de lo fortuito que como una práctica experimental capaz de alcanzar la forma artística.

El azar está presente en la naturaleza y en el conocimiento científico, pero en el arte es una manifestación intuitiva que pocos artistas exploran ante la imposibilidad de controlar el magma del caos.

Desde el arte y la estética de la complejidad desarrollado por Myriam Solar, quien participó en el Forum y en la Exposición, se pudo ver una muestra de arte de 4D que bajo el título de Performance de los Bio-Organismos mostró formas artísticas de azar y caos a través de la fotografía y el video.

Las obras expuestas tienen su origen en el azar y el caos en interacción con otros sistemas de tipo físico, químico, biológico y mecánico. En ellos, el agua, la luz, la materia orgánica y las máquinas constituyen un entorno con el que el arte puede alcanzar la representación de una realidad física sin que ésta tenga entidad física. Para crear formas de la materia invisible o de “algo que existe allí pero que no vemos aquí”, la fotografía y el video tienen que evolucionar como todos los sistemas complejos, siguiendo una secuencia aleatoria que no tiene reglas, pero si un lenguaje.

Este lenguaje es el de los procesos que nacen lejos del equilibrio y presentan fractalidad, autopoiesis, crecimientos y transformaciones, lo que permite dar un salto a un nivel de otro orden, en el que coexisten mundos superpuestos o que estarían en estado cuántico.
En las obras de esta muestra hay situaciones experimentales que pueden abrirse hacia los llamados estados cuánticos, en los que se mezclan aleatoriamente los elementos existentes en alguna dimensión del espacio para plasmar procesos vinculados al tiempo, la luz, el no equilibrio, los automatismos y los bio-aprendizajes. Sea cual fuere su naturaleza, las imágenes son inéditas y a través de ellas podemos conocer otros mundos posibles con sus criaturas virtuales, estructuras, bio-organismos artificiales o estados de la idea de la 4D en el arte.

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lunes, 14 de julio de 2008

Art and Aesthetics of the Complexity of Myriam Solar

Myriam Solar is pioneer in the conception and development of the art and the aesthetics of the complexity that gestates experimentally in dynamic systems of complex nature.

(Abstract of book of the author)

What is the complex art?

In the art, a complex system is that in which its elements interact with other systems in but of a form. An aspect extensively accepted as key factor of the complexity is the authopoiesis(1).
In the art this level is reached when its elements are capable of self-organizate, to be modified or to be transformed in a way spontaneous, disorderly, alive and organic, what determines that its forms be not foreseeable, neither simulables, neither they admit an only descripción(2).

Processes of the art of the complexity

The art of the complexity is born, grows and develops in a process that is in movement, is dynamic and proceeds the same as the nature with the alive beings does it.
In this process there are some elements that act and interact between of them in the T-S and they develop a powerful language that themselves express in geometric terms, until reaching their maximum development in the organic form.

Language of the art of the complexity.

This language is common to everything that exists in the universe and it is known like the fractal language. Fractal (3) drift of fractus that signifies irregular, broken in pieces or fragmented. Such geometry permits to create specific structures for specific forms that represent known universes, multiple geometries and worlds superimposed or in quantum state.
An example are the clouds, the coasts, the terrestrial relief, the galaxies. All these constructions are dominated by the chance and the chaos.
The same as in the complex art, in which the random thing we find it in natural processes as the turbulent fluids and in mechanical processes linked to the machines.

Instability, chaos and chance.

The chance is something that is found meanwhile (4) of a world constituted by matter, radiation, space-time and empty.
The chance can also be understood as a very small cause that escapes to our constrol and is capable of producing a considerable effect that we can to see the to interact with other complex processes like the chemists, biological or cibernetic.

Principles and rules of the complexity art.

When the art operates as complex system creating structures that then become forms, what is causing is the same thing that does the nature with its creations, that is to say, to create in a way organic and according to some principles and rules.

These rules are related to the geometric and chemical behaviors of the fluids, as well as with the processes of self-organization of the alive systems, so that experimentally is possible to identify in the process growth phases, cognitive pattern, a new geometric language and the development of the organic forms.

Bio-organisms of the complexity art.

The art of the complexity that is capable of to self-create, to modify or to transform forms that are equal to the alive forms, what creates are: organisms or bio-organisms generated by interactions in network of complex systems, be these of physical, chemical, biological or mechanical type.

Art of the complexity = intelligent art.

The creativity that exhibit these complex networks is equal to intelligence, in the measure in which they are capable of to put in motion mechanisms of associations and complex know-how relating to the form among their elements constituents.
In this way, the new reality- that is born far from the equilibrium and in an evolutionary process- returns intelligent, upon lighting artworks as self-organizated systems that represent a world evolved.

Art fractal natural, of 4D, bionic and intelligent.

This world is declared through the art fractal natural, the art of 4D, the bionic art and the intelligent devices with the ones that to agree to the quantum worlds and to the organisms in quantum state that appear like virtual creatures of the invisible matter.

(1)Authopoiesis is a general pattern of common organization to all the alive systems. It signifies "creation of if same", the term has been minted for Maturana and Varela. A pattern acts in a network in which processes of production are produced and in which the function of each component is to participate in the production or transformation of other components of the network. In this way, the network "is done thus same" continuously. F.Capra, The Nature of the life. A new synthesis in the plot of the life. Ed. Anagrama,Barcelona,1998,P.115-6.
(2) Art of the complexity: randomness, fractalidad, chaos, of M. SOLAR,
(3) Fractal drifts of the latin fractus, the term has been minted for B.Mandelbroth, and permits to describe the disorderly, uncertain behavior and complex of the nature. The objects fractales. Form, chance and dimension, B. Mandelbroth, Ed.Tusquets, Barcelona,1996,p.53.
(4) What do we know about the Universe, J. Pérez Mercader, Ed.Debate,1996,Madrid,p.9.


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