miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Chemical Reactions-Central Booking Gallery II, Brooklyn,NYC

Myriam Solar "provides us with a visually induced chemical reaction in her rhythmic video "for the Chemical Reactions Exhibition in Central Booking-Gallery II, Brooklyn, NY(USA), September 2-October 24,2010.

" Central Booking opens its second season with Chemical Reactions, the latest in its series of art and science exhibitions curated by founder and director Maddy Rosenberg. The thorsteen artists in this exhibition experiment with their own chemical analysis.
The basic elements of who we physically are can be said to be chemical, but certainly it goes beyond our biological selves and into our selves. An artist applies a solution to paper and watches as the paper is transformed by it, not merely on the surface but deep within it, to change at its core its essence forever. Or, at least, until the next exposure to the elements. A chemical reaction can turn us into gentle doves- or vicious killers; sometimes temporarily, somethimes permanently. Were the Romantic poets just a cultural phenomenon or the result of a chemical imbalance?. When we love madly, is it not more appropiate to say we love chemically? We all have experienced our reactions to chemistry, with chemistry and by chemistry. "
In Chemical reactions share the following artists: W. David Powell, Peter Tomashow, Sabra Booth, Pamela Matsuda Dunn, Todd Bartel, Lizzie Burns, Julian Voss Andreas, Myriam Solar, Paul Tecklenberg, Jeffrey Alan price, Cheryl Safron, Motron(Diane Jones Parry and Annabel Ralphs).
A catalog of the exhibition will be available as part of the Central booking Magazine Issue due out late September.

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